Frequently asked questions



Updates are done automatically!

But you can always enter the install command again:

bash <(curl -s

Et voilà! Have a look at the Node Monitor, you should run the newest Nano Node version.

Node Monitor Overview

You have no idea what all those numbers and fields in the node monitor mean? Have a look at the official Wiki.

Node Monitor Config

If you want to modify the Node Monitor config edit it here: ~/nanoNodeMonitor/config.php

Node isn’t synced

Let it node sync the full ledger, this can take some hours. You can always compare to the current block count here.

Account not opened

The account has no transactions in the ledger. Send some Nano to the address to open it.

Nano isn’t received

The Nano node has a configurable receive minimum which is at default 1 Nano. You can set it in the config.json (~/RaiBlocks/config.json). More information at the wiki.

How do I send Nano from the node account?

The easiest way is entering the account seed into a web wallet like NanoVault. You can also use the RPC interface.

Node Monitor Overview

If you don’t know what all those numbers in the node monitor mean take at look at the wiki.

Node is stuck / unresponsive

Restart the Node container with sudo docker restart enn_nanonode_1.

Questions not answered?

You can open an issue here or write us at the Nano Discord, we’re always helpful!

Further reading