Setup a Nano Node on Ubuntu 16.04

  1. Add GPG keys
    curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
  2. Add Docker repo
    sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
  3. Update your APT package manager
    sudo apt-get update
  4. Install Docker
    sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce
  5. Create a directory called nano and go inside it: mkdir nano && cd nano

  6. Create a new file called docker-compose.yml with the following contents:
version: '3'
    image: "nanotools/nanonodemonitor"
    restart: "unless-stopped"
     - "80:80"
     - "~:/opt"
    image: "nanocurrency/nano"
    restart: "unless-stopped"
     - "7075:7075/udp"
     - "7075:7075"
     - "::1:7076:7076"
     - "~:/root"
  1. Nice! Now execute sudo docker-compose up -d to start everything.

  2. Create a new wallet by executing:
    sudo docker exec nano_node_1 /usr/bin/rai_node --wallet_create

    You should get a wallet ID which you need in the next step.

  3. Change the WALLETID and create a a new account by executing:
    sudo docker exec nano_node_1 /usr/bin/rai_node --account_create --wallet=<WALLETID>

    You get a new Nano address starting with xrb_1234… back.

  4. Get you wallet seed with:
    sudo docker exec nano_node_1 /usr/bin/rai_node --wallet_decrypt_unsafe --wallet=<WALLETID>
  5. Inside your home directory you will find a new directory called nanoNodeMonitor, edit the config.php: cd ~/nanoNodeMonitor

  6. You will have to change the node IP to nano_node_1 and the address to the address from step 5. Edit the other things as well if you want to.

  7. Done! Please have a look at the FAQ.

Fast Sync

If you sync from scratch it can take up to 3 days for the node to sync the ledger completely. You can download the current ledger by hand and replace it.

  1. Make sure that you have your seed stored safely! It will be overwritten with this process.

  2. SSH to your server, stop the node (sudo docker stop nano_node_1) and go to the ~/RaiBlocks directory

  3. Backup your old ledger file with:
    mv data.ldb data.ldb.bak
    mv data.ldb-lock data.ldb-lock.bak
  4. Download the file with wget:
    wget "" -O ledger.7z
  5. Install 7zip
    sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
  6. Unzip it with:
    7z x ledger.7z
  7. Start your node again with sudo docker start nano_node_1

  8. Restore your seed with:
    sudo docker exec nano_node_1 /usr/bin/rai_node --wallet_create

    Replace the wallet ID you got in the next command:

    sudo docker exec nano_node_1 /usr/bin/rai_node --wallet_change_seed --wallet=<WALLETID> --key=<SEED>

    And create your account address:

    sudo docker exec nano_node_1 /usr/bin/rai_node --account_create  --wallet=<WALLETID>

    You should see your previous address again.

  9. Done!


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